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Mount And Blade Warband Sword Sister

Mount And Blade Warband Sword Sister

I consider this a problem with the game. I bought it on the recent sale and had many days off to finally pour into it after hearing about it for years.

I tried not to read up too much about the game to protect role-playing from meta/optimal strategizing. This lead to fun/stupid decisions like not starting as a noble, losing money on tournaments, dismissing weapon skills, not knowing Sarranids = horses, assuming archers for no reason. I had a lot of fun, but I watched a video that told me about accompanying, reminded me about zooming, and told me to get enterprises on the go.Save file got corrupted after a computer crash. First problem was fine, my face got reduced to the lowest settings and turned white, which was weird/funny but not a crisis, since you can just change your appearance whenever you want.But then I learned all my businesses were making exactly 0 denars.

Went to check up on them, and they said all the goods in the game were 'INVALID ITEMS' in a way that screame. I have played mount and blade warband for a while but i bought it for the multiplayer to play with my friends. I recently tried the singleplayer because my friends said its awesome and I like so far. But i wanted to know if there is any things i should be aware of. Right now im a mercenary for Jarl tauregor of the nords and the vaegirs declared war on us. I also wanted to know how do i join the nords? Or any faction for that matter?Submitted November 30, 2018 at 12:14PM by Bakzjp https://ift.tt/2QqEG9b.

Any good tips for dealing with bandits? Any mods wich make bandits weaker or remove them completly?I restarded the game cuz i got attacked by 5 bandits groups, wich lead to me losing all my men and running from battle wich lead to all the lords in the faction i served to dislike and hate me =(I get attacked by them ALL THE TIME and i lose soo many men cuz of it aswell as money. I know bandits are pretty weak as there is so many mods that make bandits stronger, but the problem is i got attacked by soo damn many​​​Submitted November 30, 2018 at 06:19AM by DeprezedKido69 https://ift.tt/2FMCZyz. Ever since I’ve binged GoT again for the 100th time whilst waiting for S8, I’ve been wanting to play out my warband fantasy of becoming the Mountain. ASOIAF and ACOK is great, but as far as I know have no options to allow me to portray my character as a gigantic behemoth of battle. My search for such a mod has come up short. Is there a mod of this nature?

Mar 28, 2012 - For the Nords, their best units is huscarls, but they aren't mounted so suffer. At their Best (Sword sister) are great just like Hired blade (best of Peasent). (78 hired blades + 59 Swadian Knight + 34 Slave Chief + 31 Sword.


(If there are options for that and I’ve missed it, just dismiss me or say something rude.)Thanks, my dudes.Submitted November 29, 2018 at 09:10PM by BigNothing01 https://ift.tt/2TYWQO5. Hey,I tried to take a screenshot but failed. My problem is this: I just took my first town, and the next week the financial report absolutely killed me. Almost all of my Dyeworks (I have one in each city) went from making 400 denars/week to -1500 denars/week.

In total, it summed up to -12k. The week before that it was +4.5k.It has since been one more week just like this one and all my men are leaving me since there is no way I can survive -12k/week.What happened? How do I fix it or is my run just ruined?Submitted November 29, 2018 at 11:38AM by Envagus https://ift.tt/2refLHL. I just started playing this game, Warband specifically with the game of thrones mod. I cant seem to get anywhere. Any time I get an army or more than 500 coins I just get constantly attacked and captured.

No matter where I go or what I do. It seems near impossible to get away. If I leave troops behind, they just keep chasing me down. Over and over. I was just captured 4 times in a row without even being able to recruit anyone.What am I missing here.

My army is capped at 55 and there seems no quick way of expanding that any time soon. Quests fail due to this. And everyone seems to hate me because I leave troops behind. How can I end this cycle of torment before I smash something?Is there any way I can get employed on a farm and just be a farmer instead?

My character is not destined for any greatness. I dont want him to spend the rest of his life in various prisonsSubmitted November 29, 2018 at 03:44AM by WhyYouMuteMe https://ift.tt/2rdbi7W. When attempting to swear fealty to King Ragnar as a female PC, he doesn't want to grant you a fief to go with it.One of the dialogue options is, 'What if I were to take one of your enemy's castles by force?' He replies something like, 'Well then I might be inclined to let you keep it.' So I went off and successfully besieged Wercheg. After completing the siege, there was no option to request that I be allowed to keep it (the only option was 'Request no rewards').I went back to Ragnar and attempted to swear fealty to him again, and got the same dialogue options as before, no recognition that I'd successfully conquered a city.Potentially useful info:Vanilla WarbandI have 300 reknownI'm a mercenary in the service of the Kingdom of NordsIs there some secret ritual I need to do in order to trigger this condition? Is the problem that I took a city instead of a castle?

Mount And Blade Warband Sword Sister

Do I need more reknown? Is this not actually a way to join a faction and that.

Semi-new player here. Playing on Age of Calradia Enhanced.I, a lord of the Rhodoks, was recently made the lord of Senuzgda Castle. Odd, considering my Controversy of around 50 or so. I have a party of 90. The castle had a garrison of about 70. Very soon after I had learned all of this, a huge army of around 850 Vaegirs attempted to storm the recently-captured castle, naturally being so weak at this time.

The Marshall was off doing some bullshit with the other lords, so I had to take care of this myself.So it was 160 of me vs 850 of them. Somehow, after about and hour of holding the castle for what I assumed was our last stand, I won. I survived with about 60 of my own party and about 30 of the garrison's. Most intense battle of the game so far. Praise the Mercenary Black Knights.Edit: Oh of course an even BIGGER army of Nords comes RIGHT AFTER THIS. Good thing the Marshall was on the way already this time. Fuck the king for going to war with 3 kingdoms at once.Submitted Novem.

Greetings, Lords and Ladies!​Has anyone actually won the last battle of quest Night's Watch? It seems impossible! I was killed a couple of times. I pumped up myself and my followers, brought elite troops, even lowered the difficulty to easiest (1/4 of damange to me and 1/2 of damage to my troops). They STILL killed all of us with a lot to spare. Is that one of those lose/lose quests which is pretty much rigged or is it actually possible?Submitted November 27, 2018 at 05:37PM by bomzay https://ift.tt/2DY85St. Hey everyone!

Mount And Blade Warband Demo

I recently got into the original mount and blade a few months back and it’s probably the best game I’ve ever played. I love the 1805 mod and spent tons of hours on it.

A few weeks ago the game stopped opening up and even after deleting and reinstalling it still says that the program “is in use” and won’t let me get on. I’m terrible with computers and have no idea how to solve this but I would really like to play the game again even if I have to start all over. Has anyone ever had this experience and know how to fix it?Submitted November 27, 2018 at 04:41PM by dingvs https://ift.tt/2DNdlap. So at some point I can't retreat from battle any more. No matter how many troops I have if I tab in a battle I get taken prisoner.​After getting captured voluntarily by a group of bandits, everything is back to normal now. Someone on the forum suggested it is due to global variable not being registered properly.

Guess I was tagged as defeated, so the player gets captured whenever he goes to the retreat screen.​However, I'm interested to know why the global variable wasn't registered correctly. I don't recall ever being defeated so the tag should be there in the first place. The game did froze about twice in the last 6 hours due to memory leak.

My save game shows no sign of being corrupted otherwise. Should I roll back?Submitted November 27, 2018 at 03:51PM by fireanddream https://ift.tt/2Q08iuK.

Think it about it. The devs are taking so long because the world of Bannerlord NEEDS to be shaped in a way that will cause us to be trapped in the game forever. Launching the game for the first time, will cause all our memories to be erased or modified to fit the history of Calradia. We start off as an ordinary nobody who's drawn into the Human Butter wars. Our de facto leader, is a horse fucker by the name of Khanpheus who soon gets his ass pummeled by Agent Harlaus and his fists of butter in an enclosed space where he couldn't ride away on his horse. We, as the player, with the help of our bald lady friend, rescue Khanpheus before confronting and ultimately defeating Harlaus (or so we thought). Sadly our getaway camel died after taking a few arrows in their knees.

After all I said and done, we head to feast in Grunwalder castle; which sets forth the series of events that I have to fully comprehend.By the time it releases in 8012 the type of technology needed perform such a f. Trying to take back a town, can talk a bunch of lords into attacking Senderfall and they all say yes and travel to the town. If they get there before me, the town is listed as Under Siege when I arrive, preventing me from attacking myself, and then they just sit around for days until 1500 Nords show up and scatter everyone. If I get there first I can siege the town but the other lords just sit there and do nothing so it's just me and my men outnumbered 3-1, they sally out and I only get 3 bolts for some reason and we get demolished.What gives? How am I supposed to make this work?Submitted November 26, 2018 at 04:19PM by IcyMiddle https://ift.tt/2RfHB1z. I was complaining about the peacetime I was having. I probably had 100+ days at peace.

Today I got sick of it and did something about it. I analyzed all the kingdoms and found that the kingdom of the Nords to be the weakest so I declared war on them. I didn't know shit would hit the fan so fast.My Marshall immediately took Veluca from them.

It was quite impressive and they were down to one town, Tihr. While I was riding into their territory I got a notification. Tihr was being sieged! Those efficient big dick bois took both towns from the nords in the first 2 days of war!

And the best part of rapidly expanding? The Kindom of Rhodoks have declared war The villagers of Big Dick stole cattle from the Khergit Khanate The Khergit Khanate have declared war Then the Sarranid Sultanate declared warI'm at war with everyone while 50 days earlier I was struggling finding enough bandits to keep my moral up. This game makes me want to stab myself in the dick sometimes.Submitted November 26, 2. Playing on vanilla and this my first experience with this game for the most part.

I’ve done a WHOLE lot of research and have made at least 6 different characters just learning.Im finally on a successful run, I replaced sarranid sultanate and have 1700 renown, 153 honor rating, and 54 RTR. It took me forever to start a kingdom so about 80% of the lords I’ve met have over 25 relation.

As soon I started my kingdom I had about 15 lords in my court.I accepted the 3 lords I knew were upstanding and left the rest. For some reason though, I now own some of the lands of the defected lords even though I didn’t accept them and they’re still standing in my court.I guess my real question is: if I throw a garrison in these cities, am I at risk of these lords taking their land back if i never talk to them? (I haven’t been able to go over there yet since I’m at war with neighbors and it’s across the map)It says they are my vassal on their character page, but not on my kingdoms faction page.Thank you. I'm talking about the mods that put you in sieges with a thousand or more troops on either side.

I played 1257 (I believe) recently and I remember trying to capture a castle (Not a city, just a normal castle) and they had close to a thousand soldiers stationed. Was this a coincidence or does this usually happen? It seems like a cool concept and was fun at first but I'm not going to lie when I say that it got tiring after a while. It really halts progress and doesn't increase realism or enjoyment since not all of the troops will be on the map at the same time no matter what.Submitted November 25, 2018 at 09:57AM by HolyHoly7 https://ift.tt/2TMnBFJ. Definitely going to check on Pendor if its still being updated as well as clash of kings (never got around to it). I see floris expanded has not been updated in a long time which is kind of a bummer. Looking for a good campaign overhaul/total modification.

Feature rich and complete and sandbox (i.e. Pendor or Breytynwalda( i love this mod but good lord too many celtic and saxon names to try and remember). Im not really to interested in modern settings, or even gunpowder.Submitted November 25, 2018 at 08:13AM by FishMcCray https://ift.tt/2QdbBOz. Has Mount and Blade the ps4 war band edition crashed anyone’s else’s whole console before?? My system has never had any issues but I’ve just picked up the game and had to reinitialize the system 4 times in 5 days bc it would get itself into the safe mode loop.

Oddly enough not reinstalling or playing warband for the last two weeks has kept my ps4 problem free again. Does anyone know if it’s just a coincidence or a gimped HDD cuz I’m getting withdrawals now.Submitted November 24, 2018 at 02:14PM by AsapDamian17 https://ift.tt/2RgYxoE. Hey guys, seeing some people asking advises lately made my want to play this awesome mod again.You all know the generic tips already: solo bandits, do quests, sign mercenary contract, train peasants, kiss ass to Kings, etc.So I'm going to just take a lot of screenshots, add some description all through my play and post here. Hopefully it will demonstrate better the advises above. What happened so far:We sucked and just wander around the warzone between Fierds and Ravenstern, stumbled upon an ongoing battle, joined the winning side, captured 3 lords.Normally I hire mercs right away, but felt stingy this time.

Continue looking for prisoners in some hot areas (Snake, Vanskerry, Singalian, Jatu). Forgot to trigger the rumor mill so the map did not have many things going on.Caught one lord on his way home with 20 prisoners, signed merc contract to Fierds.

Note to self: after a big battle some lord will go back home to recover, intercept them.Days 30, we had 40 dudes. So I’ve had this game for about a year now but never actually got into it. I had played about an hour of it before writing it off and moving on. Recently though I had a hankering for a medieval game and decided to give it another chance. I am so happy I did as it is one of my new favorites!I have a few questions about the controls for directing my troops.

How can I tell them where to go without having to stand where I’d like them to be? I know there’s a way to point to a particular spot, but I cannot figure this out. Also how do I use the map during combat? Is there a way to pause the action to give them orders, or is it all done in real time?If there are any more pointers you guys could give would be greatly appreciated!Submitted November 23, 2018 at 09:02PM by ginrummy1 https://ift.tt/2KvLj4D. Allow us to customise the weapons, looks and style of our troops. It would be cool to start your own Kingdom and have your troops at various levels of the troop tree look different and use certain armour/weapons.Provide a robust crafting system, one of the worst things about M&B vanilla was scouring the land looking for that one weapon or piece of armour, it'd be much better to just be able to craft them given the right materials.Improve on the food management system.

Buying food in M&B is just a tedious chore, particularly late-game when you have more than enough money to constantly be stocked on everything. I'd much rather just be able to assign a 'Quartermaster' and then have a tab in the party management screen that lists all the different types of food, you then 'check' which types of food you want and (optionally) set the maximum threshold price that you are willing to spend to stock that food. The Quartermaster then automatically stocks the '. Hi, I've got a few questions I hope the reddit hivemind could help me with.​I first played the original M&B, and later switched to Warband. Am I going mad or has there been under-the-hood changes between the games beyond added features?

Two things regarding wandering brigands: Firstly, they seem much faster than before, I'm rarely able to catch up and attack them, even if they're footmen and I have a horse-oriented band. Secondly, they also seem much rarer, with the lowly club-and-pebbles wielding Looters almost non-existent and to the point I haven't actually encountered any Sea Raiders whatsoever (are they gone or what?). So am I onto something, i.e. A possible game-design change to force the player to engage more with the factions than with the brigands, is it just perceived scarcity, or am I doing something wrong?Submitted November 23, 2018 at 06:41AM by Zbleb https://ift.tt/2QdNuz6. Looking at what's been happening with Fallout 76, I have to appreciate Taleworlds holding their ground with Bannerlord.

We may all whine and complain about it taking so very long, but here we have a recent example of what happens when a studio/publisher releases a game for its own sake.People are pissed off and condemning Bethesda, a beloved comapny, over FO76. They released a game that was not complete. It's full of bugs, looks graphically like the previous FO game and is getting absolutely destroyed by critics. Bethesda said they will fix the game eventually through patching, but it doesn't change the fact that people paid full price for an incomplete game.

Bethesda has caught flak before, but they were still always seen as a company that makes good games. FO76 seems to have tarnished their reputation in a major way. I'm talking -50 (hostile) hereTaleworlds has previously announced release date timelines and has not met them.

They stopped making promises. I've got companion complaints turned off.

I have Uldin, Antiope, Alindel, Marcus, Thrak (a new Giant companion), and one of the dwarf companions. That means there are at least 13 companions still out there. I've been looking for some time but I feel like the companions are completely gone given the number of them relative to the number of cities. According to the new Venetor quest all companions will be there at the end of the quest. If the remaining companions have all gone there I'm stuck in a paradox. Me and my 6 companions are utterly incapable of busting past the 30 assassins at Venetor. I need more companions, but if they're in Venetor, I essentially need companions to get companions.

What should I do?Submitted November 22, 2018 at 09:02PM by NorseHighlander https://ift.tt/2QhtziA. Here's the political loophole: Force caravans to pay you a toll until your relation with their kingdom is at -1 or lower.Apparently this is enough to make YOU an enemy of that kingdom but the kingdom you belong to will still remain at peace with the kingdom you intent to attack. I use this strategy to destroy other lord armies while we're at peace because the gods know those shitty Tundra Bandits won't satisfy my Vaegir Knights thirst for blood.Submitted November 22, 2018 at 02:23PM by maluxorath https://ift.tt/2Bsc7jp. Basically, I'm finishing up my first playthrough.

Long story short, I played a loyal vassal to Swadia and it turned out 13 out of 20 Swadian lords were dishonorable/debauched, leaving us with 7 lords for most of the game after losing a city and all the villages around it.I did my reading and found out that all lord personalities (except 4 or 5 lords per factions, the oldest/most powerful ones?) are randomized. Apparently, it's supposed to make each game different. What it does instead is make it 10 times harder because your faction (whether you're a vassal or make your own kingdom) is simply not competitive with the others (in my game, Nords have 28 lords, so they outnumber us 4:1.) This is especially true if playing as faction vassal.So, are there any mods to change this? I mean one where you could make a balanced honorable/dishonorable lord ratio for each faction, thus making the game actually playable.Submitted November 22, 2018 at 12:34PM by CalradianDestroyer https:/. Hi All, new to Pendor.I have 125 troops and just joined the Silvermist Rangers because I wanted their archers. My upkeep for those number of troops is 10k per week, paid for by working as a merc for D'Shar. I'm planning to take over those castles near Laria, because I'm buddies with the Noldor there.Question: is Sarleon the right faction to make war with at the beginning?

I noticed that there's like 300-400 troops guarding each castle. Is there a better way of winning a siege. I need a castle because I read you need one to start your own custom knight order.Any suggestion on the best course of action would be greatly appreciated.Submitted November 22, 2018 at 10:18AM by catshit01 https://ift.tt/2r1J0NC. The battles go on for fucking AGES and only because some dude with full plate armor and high stats can’t be damaged by anybody, even when outnumbered 80:1.Everything about this mod is top fucking notch, but the actual battles. The balance is ridiculous and archery means nothing after a while. If you could take the ASOIAF mods balance and battles and put it into ACOK, that would be the best mod out there for me.Realistically, given the context of the setting, if thirty average soldiers with clubs go up to a man in full plate armor and smack them on the head 300 times, they’re fucking dead.It’s not even difficult like PoP, it’s just frustrating.Submitted November 21, 2018 at 08:52PM by JohngoDrugMoney https://ift.tt/2S4TgAh. Hi guys,I’m looking to write an article for a games site about M&B and its modding scene, and I’m looking for an angle for it, so I thought the best thing to do would be just to ask and gauge people’s relationships with mods.

As the title says - why do you like modding the M&B games? I’d love to hear your opinions and reasons!One angle I was considering would be to examine how/if Bannerlord would change anything in the modding scene for M&B and Warband, so if you have any thoughts there please let me know too!Thanks for your time guys!Submitted November 22, 2018 at 03:11AM by minutemantom https://ift.tt/2BqhfEE. This is in daimyo edition. I trained my Tokugawa villagers to be skirmishers since they are supposed to get elite gunners, but a majority of them use bows and arrows instead.

Their archery stat is not nearly as good and bows and arrows don't even show up as part of their loadout when you ask them about their equipment. Is this a bug? I hired a bunch of Tsushima gunners and they all seem to be using guns.

Do villager skirmishers just always prefer bows even if they're supposed to be gunners?Submitted November 20, 2018 at 03:54PM by weatherdog https://ift.tt/2PICg64. This is my first campaign, and I rebelled from the Vaigirs with Curaw and 5 castles, but I was immediately attacked by them and the Rhodoks. I let one of my outlying castles fall to the Rhodoks and eventually made peace. But even after winning dozens of battles and taking another castle Yaroglek wouldn’t make peace.Then, the Nords declared war and started sieging my castles with 1000 men compared to my 100.

I beat them back once but eventually they destroyed my army. While I was imprisoned, the Vaegirs started taking back castles and I just quit.What is a good way to start a Kingdom where I’m not perpetually at war on two fronts?Submitted November 20, 2018 at 05:12PM by jshmoyo https://ift.tt/2Kmg24e. Hello, I have been playing M&B since 2016 and have played more mods than the vanilla game, to be fair.

With my 300 rookie hours sunk into defeating the Lannisters in ACOK and dominating the Europe in AD, I've always wanted to mod the game myself. Sadly, I have only small experience in modding through Mafia 3 and Minecraft.Also, the type of mod I wish to create if I am to start at one point, is not adding items but rather changing the scenario, factions, adding some clothes and making characters etc. So, here are my questions, thanks in advance is you plan on answering them. Are there any modding discord/reddit communities out there which could occasionally help with small questions? I feel as if in some ways, a community would be superior to a guide in helping me understand modding, and I have seen this while doing small modifications to Mafia 3, and finding the guides near useless compared to a discord I regularly used a few months ago. So, if you know any modding communities. How much does the trainer skill affect exp earned by troops at the training grounds while sparring?

It seems to make a difference but I’m not sure. Is there a formula anywhere or has anyone tested it?Basically, I’m playing PoP again and I want to try something I haven’t done yet, and I’m wondering if choosing the options to start with 5 trainer will be worth it. I want to spar and train some elite troops right at the start.Submitted November 20, 2018 at 11:45AM by Constitutionftw https://ift.tt/2DMEf3d. I started a playthrough, sided with nords, and have a decent income (2600, excluding fief. I have only one village).The kingdom I am supporting currently has a good amount of territory, (5 main towns), but a very low number of supporters (12 Jarls + 1 King). The reason for such a low number of supporters is that a lot of them defected to other factions and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to seek the Nord's throne claimant and start a rebellion.

I played the game for a decent amount of time, but I'm still fairly amateur-ish. Can anyone give me some tips on what do in this situation and some on rebellions?Submitted November 20, 2018 at 12:02PM by Palmajr https://ift.tt/2S25XvH. The first game I sunk far to much time of my life into was a beautiful game by the name of Kotor. I received my copy when I was 5 years old and it was my introduction to Star Wars, I sat for hours and hours trying to beat this game back in a time where I couldn't just google the answers. Is it a hard game?

No, I was five. Imagine, however, the excitement of a freshly matured and S U P P L E seven year old when I read in my game informer magazine talks of a Kotor 3! See my stupid ass hadn't even thought about there being sequels to beloved games and quickly purchased the second, and inferior, game.

For years I followed the development, cancellation, resurrection, and the rumor mill that surrounded this potential master piece. Alas with age comes wisdom and the word has dick slapped some positive modifiers into that stat block for sure, yet here I am, a broken soul the age of 9,355 cursed days atop stuck in this hellhole of a brain and y'all have the audacity to continue to. I am asking because i think it wont be easy keeping everyone happy if im going to have like 20+ vassals in the future.

Im also roleplaying as a queen without husband so throwing feasts is out of the question.So i dont want them to eventually rebel against me and take their territories thus hindering me and setting me back.I decided that i will only recruit goodnatured and upstanding vassals preferably with no fiefs so i can grant them mine since i have many villages to grant. BUT i also read it isnt good to grant many fiefs to one lord for this and that reason.Ok, so i currently have 1 castle and 2 villages for 1 lord. At this point i dont know if: -i should distribute more fiefs evenly between my 5 current vassals -i should try to find more vassals and convert them without touching current fiefs?T L D R: is there such a thing as havig too many vassals despite them having awesome personalities and what is their max troop size so i can maybe distribute fiefs based on that?Submitted No.

Lady Tabath descended the winding narrow stairs that lead to the great hall of Rivacheg. She had said goodbye to her father at the gates just yesterday, and yet the scouts were already sounding his return in those droning notes so dear to her from childhood.Boyar Meriga stood at the head of the table, with a friend at his right hand. They both drank from shallow cups, stinking of blood and rotting fish.' Father,' she said, hurrying to them. 'I thought you were to meet Boyar Doru.'

'Not yet,' Her father replied, slathering a slice of bread with what little butter remained at the keep. 'We ran into an army along the way. If Boyar Hanun hadn't been nearby they might have been at the walls by now.' He trailed off, swinging his butter knife at the man next to him.'

Lady Tabath drew in a sharp breath. 'But the Nords have gathered at Suno. Surely the Swadians haven't made it this far North already?' She noticed Boyar. I am playing on Native and have 4 vassals under me, each with their own castle and village.

I am trying to get more vassals that have no land and are good natured/upstanding. I only go for these 2 types.do i make my vassals stroger if i give them more land?.how do i make my martial vassal happy because he throws a fit everytime i grant something to others without throwing feast since im not married? Do i do his quests if he has any or grant him more land? So far my other lords who are gn/upstanding dont decrease relation if i grant fief to others.i have about 5,6 villages to give, should i distribute them among my current vassals to make them stroger at defending castles?My plan right now is to just bolster my own army by recruiting meanwhile trying to find new lords i want without no land. But i feel like im not doing something right.Edit: my main focus is upgrading my troops to max tier and having the vassals be strong enough to withstand sieges on their own while i go around. Great game, although graphics are dated. Just picked it up last week and have spent a dozen or so hours on it.Based in Swadia, I am doing ok, my main source of real income has been winning a few tournaments.

I have relocated to near the Nord sea coast (forget the name of that city) to find more sea raiders to kill for loot. But that seems to be going slowly. My army is about 58 strong and contains a mix of different guys. They cost me about 900 denars a week.I've looked into other sources if income and am having trouble figuring out the prisoner thing. The ransom brokers I speak to do not seem to give me the option of selling them as slaves. Just to ransom someone I know which leads nowhere dialoguewise. What am I doing wrong?I am very scared of breaking this playthrough by doing something wrong and it only seems to use one save file (most recent).

I guess it is not the end of the world if something goes wrong and I get taken prisoner or lose my army?Any words of advice are apprec. Let’s say I have two companions, nobles, who hate their guts. So much so that if I keep them both at least one will leave the party forever.Let’s then say that, before that happens, I turn them both into lords, giving them castles and villages.Will their animosity persist after they become lords? They have martial/good personalities, and I’m playing in Gekokujo, if it matters.For some reason I’ve never tried this before, and would rather avoid a headache in a game that has been going for a very long time.Submitted November 18, 2018 at 07:43AM by CplJonlan https://ift.tt/2Tkv3HT. So from what i have read and seen is that Vageirs, Nords, khergits and sarranids are foreign invaders. While the rhodoks were rebels to the swadians hence the crossbows, spears and hills to counter the horses.

Caravan Master Mount And Blade

So that would make the kingdom of swadia the rightful rulers unless if the rhodoks rebelion was from a better claim to the throne. But as we know that King Harlus took the crown from Lady Isollo of Suno unlawfully. So does that mean Lady Isollo is the true ruler of Calradia?Submitted November 18, 2018 at 06:07AM by HungryHatefulHarry https://ift.tt/2Kd0T5d. TDM is such aids I don't get how ppl can have fun on it. Its a cavalry fest, hardly any melee goes down and theres no objective or anything.

So brianless.The other day on the TDM server there was this map that looked like a seige map, and it was super fun. I thought it was GKSeige for a while actually and I was having so much fun cause u actually get to melee and there were clear sides not a clusterfuck of random shit.IMO GK should just shut down TDM server and force all the plebs onto seige.Submitted November 18, 2018 at 02:00AM by isasin https://ift.tt/2QMQtvo. ° Can i retreat in the middle of the siege with circle (im on ps4) and not lose any progress i made? For example i am currently sieging a castle where i killed all of their archers but they still have about 60 men advantage over me and i dont want to risk my 20 huscarls i brought, can i retreat from siege and attack again so my crossbowmen get amunition back?


Is there no drawback to this tactic and can i just cheese like this?° what are the best 2 handed/polearm weapons, currently using Awlpike for the first time and it dors wonders, i can safely poke them from a distance and get kills. I would prefer to have something long and good against shields so i can destroy them faster, do you have any suggestions?Submitted November 17, 2018 at 02:49PM by KitUbijalec https://ift.tt/2Kb4lgs. Warsword has always been one of my favorite mods; I checked up on it recently and noticed that they're updating in Just wanted to share with the subreddit since I haven't noticed anyone mention it. I remember when it was initially released two years ago it was one of the most popular mods at the time-so it's sad to see nobody talk about it too much now.Here's a report about the update update from their:Progress report:I am pleased to report that the game breaking bug mentioned in the previous article has been fixed and that gsanders has returned to continue his work on warsword.

Both of these facts are enormous boosts to our timetable and we can say with more confidence that we are moving into the final stages before release. The team are very eager to release at the moment and we are ideally aiming for a mid to late August release time but in order to do that we have had to accept that some of our modelling needs are not going to.

Mount And Blade Warband Sword Sister